Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back – Film with Live Orchestra at Walmart AMP

Walmart AMP, Rogers, Arkansas



Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back at Walmart AMP



Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back – Film with Live Orchestra

Walmart AMP

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back tickets

The saga from a long, long, time ago, in a place very far away, continues in the fifth film, Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back In Concert with members of the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas. You’ve undoubtably seen it before, but have you ever seen it with a live Orchestra??? The ultimate way to watch the film, so grab some tickets now! Watch the iconic film while a live orchestra, featuring members of the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas, performing John Williams’ iconic score.

Released over 40 years ago, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, had an immense impact on cinema, culture, and entertainment the world over… After all, who doesn’t know the iconic phrase, “Luke, I am your Father!” (Arguably, the greatest plot twist in the history of cinema!) Come and re-live the masterpiece, with its mythic storytelling, captivating characters, groundbreaking special effects and iconic musical scores composed by the late, great John Williams.

Set three years after the events of Star Wars, the film recounts the battle between the malevolent Galactic Empire, led by the Emperor, and the Rebel Alliance, led by Princess Leia. The battles intensify, as Imperial forces unleash a devastating attack on the Rebel Alliance on the planet Hoth. Han Solo and Princess Leia narrowly escape to Cloud City, but the empire is one step ahead of them, and they walk into a trap set by Darth Vader. Meanwhile, young Skywalker receives a message from his dead mentor, Obi-Wan, and travels to the swamp planet of Dagobah to train with an old master in the force…

This 1980 epic space opera, was directed by Irvin Kershner from a screenplay by Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan, based on a story by George Lucas. Starring Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Harrison Ford as Han Solo, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian, Anthony Daniels as C-3PO, Kenny Baker as R2-D2, David Prowse as the body and James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader, Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca, and Frank Oz as both the puppeteer and voice of Yoda.

The film is the second in the original trilogy, while being the fifth in chronological order of the Skywalker Saga. It was fully funded by George Lukas profits from the first film, and an 8 million dollar loan from the bank, and had the potential to financially ruin Lukas if it failed. Instead, the film was the highest grossing release of 1980, adjusting for inflation and additional releases brings the film's worldwide gross to approximately $550 million. It also took home two Academy Awards, two Grammy Awards, and a BAFTA. In 2010, the United States Library of Congress selected The Empire Strikes Back to be preserved in the National Film Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".

The resultant fan adoration of this film cannot be understated, Freddie Mercury ended a concert in 1980 by riding on the shoulders of Darth Vader, it has been referenced in other films and on the small screen, as well as featuring a number of parodies, including, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spaceballs, The Muppet Show, American Dad!, South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Robot Chicken.

About the Venue

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Walmart AMP

Walmart AMP, Rogers, Arkansas, 72758, US